A few things about differences between China and the US. First, the United States does not have the resources and structures to do the kind of lock down that China did. Most Americans don't live in large housing complexes but neighborhoods, be it suburban or rural. The housing complexes that Americans do live in are generally not staffed by a deep squad of security personal.
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时代中央花 (Shídài zhōngyāng huāyuán), Kunshan, China |
Yet, there were arguments about China's response that I did hear from friends and in stories on the internet. One is that the lock-down keeps China safe. This is an argument that twins with arguments made by advocates of surveillance, the idea that more cameras, security guards, and tracking apps reduces crime and makes people's lives better. In this instance, it allows the public health system to make data-driven decisions about how to manage infected populations.
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Cameras and lights, Tienanmen Square |
Asides from debates in American right-wing media about China's culpability for the pandemic, I was never actually involved in any kind of "debate" about the China government response that bore any relationship to actual events in China. Of course I'm not a citizen of China....But, all of this happened so fast there wasn't a moment to even wonder what China should do: They shutdown Wuhan before most of the world knew there was a serious problem. Similar in some sense to some of the debates that would come to happen in the US, how much one can trust the government are at the core of many of these arguments, a "collectivist" approach to problem solving where China's central government is the all-powerful fulcrum. These differences in mind, as far as we know China has gotten past the first wave of infections without a massive loss of life. As far as we know, because as usual the integrity of the data coming out of China is under question. Perhaps if I could speak and read Chinese I would have a different opinion but for now I'm more or less reporting second-hand information mixed with what I know about living in China.
Either way, from the perspective of Western style media transparency, the China government approach to policy making does not appear to parallel US political discussions about the pros and cons of Covid-19 responses. On the other hand, there are some similarities in terms of making the government the focal point. Though in the case of the US, that its relatively open political and policy making systems mandate a different kind of participation from the public, which these days begin with the sentiment that the US government, be it Republicans and Trump or Pelosi's "Dems and Libs" are not to be trusted. Contemporary US political debate starts with a pre-rhetorical othering upon which public debate performs variations on ideas of free expression, be it the right to individual choice or the right to equal opportunity. Thus, in the United States, we've approached solutions to the virus problem differently from China and frankly, the US federal response has been a disaster. The US has the largest number of Covid-related deaths in the world by a large margin. I'm not going to dwell on the facts of this disaster, but instead expand on the politicization and particular rhetorical topoi, that is, common place arguments, of the American response to the crisis.
Many Americans have had a response to Covid in-line with global health recommendations, that is, lock-downs, masks, social distancing, contact tracing, adequate amounts of testing, etc. in order to "flatten the curve." As I've observed with friends and family and being out in public, many folks have been following guidelines and many have not. More to the point of the argument itself, I'm personally persuaded that these safety measures will reduce health risk to myself and others. In other words, I believe in the expert doctors and scientists that I should change my behavior to minimize this risk. In material terms then, the state and local governments have put out guidelines, wrapped up playground equipment, and shut down businesses. I believe that despite the economic, psychological, and personal cost, these measure are not only the best way to save lives, but the best way to bring the economy back over the long term. While it is absolutely true that that economic cost is significant, it stands in my mind that following the advice of global and public health professionals is the best way forward. Granted I have been able to keep my job and economically not much has changed for me, and further, I don't have any particular need to eat at restaurants, go to bars, get a haircut, and generally am content maintaining social distance and entertaining myself at home. I miss swimming and basketball, but overall, I buy into the idea that a unified response lead by the public health professionals will minimize the loss of human life.
How we might enact a public health response in the United States can be different than how China or Germany might do it, as not only do we have different systems of governance and varied institutions to regulate and oversee a response to this crisis, but folks here also use particular kinds of arguments that might be used to persuade citizens to "buy into" a particular course of action. None of which I'd say are unique to the United States. That is, you should stay inside and social distance because a) the virus can kill you, and b) if you are infected you will infect other people (who may die). It's a pretty simple argument from causation. This message has been amplified by public officials and media, including Trump, Cuomo, and other state governor's daily briefings and the non-stop media coverage and constantly updating infection and death rates. More to the point of coercive power however, I actually can't eat at a restaurant or go swimming because those institutions are/were closed. I can't go to church (though in my case, I can't go to the meditation center). I've read that police have been enforcing these regulations (unevenly) though I have yet to personally be asked to, say, wear a mask or social distance. That is to say, the threat of violence or some other retribution for failing to follow the rules loom underneath the modern world though rarely is this threat said out loud in polite society. A final bit that I find convincing is that the rest of the world is taking similar steps. And moreover, with the exception of the UK and Sweden, I don't see significant global debate or a wide variety of policies enacted to fight the virus, but more or less the same steps, that is: limits on travel, social distancing, masks, and staying indoors until conditions improve. All these measures seem like common sense at this point.
Yet, some have responded to the media and policy makers with skepticism, seeing these guidelines or restrictions as infringing on personal freedoms. These notions of freedom and the rhetorics surrounding them also reflected in philosophies of "states rights," where each of the fifty states has the right to make their own decisions about the crisis. Similarly, this argument is applied to the corporate establishment. From the first coronavirus task force press conference, Trump revealed his approach, which involves a deep trust in the idea that crises could be handled through the free market. Along with Fauci and Birx's discussion of some of the health science around Covid and that weird, fake flow chart for a google service that didn't exist, Trump presided over a long lineup of "business leaders" discussing their plans. CEOs from Walgreens, testing companies, banks, insurance, and other companies spoke briefly under the premise that they were working with the government to come up with a solution to the spreading virus. The CEO of Walmart, another multimillionaire slightly over weight white man that I had never seen before in my life, announced that stores would donate their parking lots to testing efforts. A week or so after these press conferences started, the large majority of the bi-partisan approved bailout money was gifted to the large companies with little oversight.
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Trump, March 11th, 2020 |
One way to look at the difference between the US and China response is from the individualist vs. collectivist perspective. It's an old way and I've discussed it before on this blog, but in this instance, this idea has a particular relevance. Obviously the federal response and the response of those pushing back against lock-downs and other restrictions is operating from an individualist point of view where the rights of individuals, which now includes individual companies, is more important than the safety and strength of the collective. The US, in this instance, has done a particularly poor job controlling the virus but that doesn't mean that other Western countries did not do a commendable job. Countries like Germany, New Zealand, and Australia, for example, are Western countries that over the last three months were able to preserve individual freedoms and at the same time contain the virus. These differences in terms of collectivism vs. individualism are not about which is the better way of doing things but about what each means allows and disallows. That said, collectivist responses to the virus, which promotes the sacrifice of individual desires and expression in favor of the well being of the whole, has proven to be better at containing the spread of the virus. To many in and outside of the US, the response here has been baffling in terms of its inability to keep people from dying. Instead of human lives, the federal and some state responses have prioritized the health of the economy. Bailouts for big companies and the push to reopen regardless if a given state can follow the Center for Disease Control's guidelines can be read as an extension of individualist ideology in that it's about an individual's or individual companies' choice to reopen.
Here then are two radically different strategies for dealing with coronavirus, each built on a scaffold of ideology and culture. The one focuses on human health and the other seems primarily concerned with personal freedoms; that is, a rhetoric of personal freedom that parallels the growth of neoliberal free market deregulation, the kind that has gutted public institutions in the United States over the last forty years. While it's obvious that the federal response is largely about Trump's vulnerabilities in an election year and his desire to preserve the perception of his economic success, the result of this strategy could be better for the United States in the long term if, in fact, the virus is here to stay and if vaccination attempts are unsuccessful. Or in other words, if the world will need to live with coronavirus, learning how to do so earlier will be an advantage in the long run in terms of economic and maybe even public health measures. When I was in China at the beginning of this, my question then and one that I still have is if strict lock-down measures are put into place, how does one lift them and go back to normal? Or, at what point do we say that it's safe? China's zero tolerance policy has meant that now that they've made it this far, it seems unlikely that they would switch to a more relaxed model. Case-in-point: Within the last two days China has locked down Jilin, a city of 4.5 million people due to an outbreak of 34 new cases of coronavirus. While in no way am I saying that the US federal response has been even remotely competent, however, I wonder how lock-downs, over time, can prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus in a globalized world. I wonder if it's really possible, at this point anyway, to run from the coronavirus.
For now though, we'll see which ways of approaching this problem will produce the best results. It's too soon to know where any of this will go. Personally, I've been ashamed by the response of Americans who have advocated for the right to get haircuts over public health, by the corruption of our federal government, by the breathtaking lack of bureaucratic competence, by a political culture that is more interested in arguing with the other side than it is in finding solutions to problems. All these points though are just headlines in the media-sphere; talking points that hide the generous and generative nature of people. I am looking forward to going back to China though I'm not sure when that will be. It's likely that if I am able to fly back in July I will have to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel. By myself. That would be a bummer but there are worse fates so long as I can stay healthy. Regardless, it's summer. My teaching is done and my writing projects for the next couple months lay ahead of me. I'll get to it, but if anything changes I'll let you know.